The finisher’s medal of the Movistar Madrid Medio Marathon 2024 will pay tribute to the Telefónica Centenary

The Movistar Madrid Medio Marathon has presented the official finisher’s medal that all participants who cross the finish line on 7 April after completing the 21,097-metre course through the streets of the centre of the capital will receive.
The beautiful design of the finisher’s medal will also serve as a tribute to the Telefónica Centenary (1924-2024), as it incorporates a reproduction of the mythical Telefónica Building at Gran Vía 28, which was one of the first skyscrapers built in Europe.
This 2024 edition of the authentic Madrid half marathon is being very well received and the number of registrations is higher than last year, so it will probably exceed 19,000 between the ProFuturo Charity Race and the Movistar Madrid Half Marathon.

Rocío Rey, sponsorship manager of Telefónica; Patricia Larraz, head of sponsorship of Telefónica; Eduardo Ajuria, president of the Agrupación Deportiva Marathon; Pablo Gálvez of A3Media and Fran Chico of Sport Life, as well as the Madrid athlete Chema Martínez, ambassador of Movistar and of the race itself, officially presented the finisher’s medals at the Telefónica Building.
The Movistar Madrid Medio Marathon is the fastest half marathon in the city, awarded the "Road Race Label" by the international federation World Athletics, which includes it in its official calendar of road races, and was named by the Madrid City Council as an "event of general interest for the city", as it is one of the most emblematic and traditional races in the country.